
Here is a collection of great links from my old website’s news session.

Videos from the Videogame Music in Context series, featuring original music by me:

Interview for the brazilian podcast Review Homestudio (in portuguese)

Headphone Meditations episode 54, from Metal World Radio, featuring my music:

Metal Open Mind episode 92, featuring my music:

Threat Jam and Hazard Blender, two wonderful projects I was a part of:

Megadeth’s Sweating Bullets recorded with Leandro Fonseca:

Playing live as a guest guitarist with Universo Relativo:

And, of course, you might want to visit my Youtube Channel for a collection of music, projects and other small things I did in the past years:

There’s so many other small things I might be missing. But I’ll add them here as soon as I remember or find ’em! Cheers!