Category: discography

(2022) Sean SchafianskI – The Mementos Sessions: Music from persona 5

This is a mini-album recorded with Sean Schafianski, with remixes of compositions by Shoji Meguro. Featuring Myranda Polk, Claire Mulvaney, Maria Wirries and Ashlee Busch on voices, Marc Papeghin on drums, Dan Minchom on double bass, Matthew SanGiovanni on guitars and Andrew Steffen on strings. CREDITS: ​“Last Surprise” – Electric bass“No More What Ifs” – …

(2022) VESSEL (A Tribute to Hollow Knight)

This is a Tribute Album by Player Experience, with remixes of compositions by Christopher Larkin. “蒼白の宮廷の輪舞 (Pale Court Cover)” was arranged by Ian Martyn. “Nightmare Lantern (Choral Version)” was produced by MononymNumerical. “Folk O’ The City (City of Tears Cover)” was produced by Luci Holland. CREDITS: ​“Quirrel y Monomon (Decisive Battle Cover)” – Production, arrangement, …

(2021) Thennecan – Video Game Life

This is a mini-album recorded with Thennecan, with the remix of a composition by various composers. Featuring Leo Miyata (drums), Charmex (keyboards), Cradius (guitars), Pokérus Project (guest solo), Rudy San Martín (guest solo), Fredrik Häthén (orchestration). CREDITS:All tracks – Electric bass. Official Website VGM Life by Thennecan

(2021) Ñoñoparty 5 Promotional Album

This is a promotional album by Ñoñoparty, a latin america video game music festival. It features remixes by various composers. “Splash Wave (Out Run)” was arranged by Thennecan and features Leo Miyata (drums), Charmex (keyboards) and Cradius (guitars). CREDITS: ​“Splash Wave (Out Run)” – Electric Bass. Official Website ÑoñoParty 5 – Promotional Album 2021 by …

(2021) Matheus Manente – Hyperspheres

Written under comission for a play in 2007, later rearranged for a DVD soundtrack in 2012, finally reworked and released as a single in 2021. Featuring Arcanepixels (artwork). CREDITS:“Hyperspheres” – Composition; production; arrangement; engineering; all instruments; mixing; mastering. Official Website Hyperspheres [Single] by Matheus Manente